


  1. 消融时间短
  2. 治疗区域的血管、神经等重要组织得以保留

  3. 不受热岛效应影响
  4. 治疗彻底,治疗边界清晰

  5. 治疗区域可恢複正常功能

  6. 效果过程可实时监控
  7. 纳米刀可适应更多複杂的病情
附:来源: Irreversible Electroporation (IRE) | University of Maryland Medical Center 
Needle-like Probes Destroy Diseased Cells But Spare Healthy Tissue
     IRE uses electrical energy to target tumors at the cellular level. Using short electrical pulses, IRE breaks open the tumor cell walls, causing these cancer cells to die1。
      The key difference with IRE compared to other treatments is that this electrical field does not produce extreme heat or cold. It may selectively damage the cancerous cells, sparing healthy tissue and structures that may be nearby, allowing us to provide more targeted treatment1,Doctors create a precise electrical field by first mapping the tumor using state-of-the-art computed tomography (CT) technology. The interventional radiologists have a CT scanner in the treatment room, so they are able to make up-to-the minute calculations on the size and location of the tumor.
     Once we determine the treatment area, we insert the electrode probes through the skin into the tumor, creating a field around the lesion. We then send short, intense electrical pulses - each less than 100 microseconds - between the probes, killing the tumor cells. Then the body's normal healing response takes over, naturally producing new cells and absorbing the cells that have been targeted2.
    IRE is performed under general anesthesia. The time it takes to place the needles varies based on the size and location of the tumor. Because the procedure is considered to be minimally invasive, recovery time may be faster when compared to some other treatments, with some soreness from the needles themselves. There is little scarring because of the way IRE causes the cancer cells to open and die, taking advantage of the body's natural healing ability.
     This procedure is another example of the commitment of University of Maryland faculty to bring cutting-edge technology to their patients, offering them another treatment option when traditional surgery may not be effective for their particular condition3.
     IRE may be a viable alternative for patients with tumors in areas we call ”˜high-rent' zones, difficult-to-treat locations that may be near or touching a blood vessel, nerve or duct4。
1.Ziv Haskal, M.D., professor of diagnostic radiology and surgery at the University of Maryland School of Medicine
2.Fred Moeslein, M.D., Ph.D., assistant professor of diagnostic radiology and nuclear medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, and interventional radiologist at the University of Maryland Medical Center.
3.E. Albert Reece, M.D., Ph.D., M.B.A., vice president for medical affairs at the University of Maryland and dean of the University of Maryland School of Medicine.
4.Rahul Patel, M.D., assistant professor of diagnostic radiology and nuclear medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, and interventional radiologist at the University of Maryland Medical Center.
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